A book of 8 tough questions kids ask about divorce, separation, or restructuring.

8 Tough Questions Kids Ask About Divorce, Separation, or Restructuring

Talking with your kids about your divorce can be nerve-wracking. You know they’ll be devastated, and you know your words can either help them heal… or deepen their pain.

It’s a hard spot to be in, and you just want to get it right. We’ve helped hundreds of families navigate these conversations. So grab a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and read through this guide. It’ll help!

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Get scripted answers to tough questions like:

In this free guide, we’ll help you understand why your child is asking these tough questions. We’ll also give you a step-by-step script for answering each of them in a healthy way.
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    … but why?
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    I don’t want you to get a divorce. Don’t I get a say in this?
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    You still love mommy/daddy… right?
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    Are they leaving because they don’t love me anymore?
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    Where will I live? or Who will I live with?
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    Who will take me to _________ (soccer practice, etc)?
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    I don’t want two homes. Why can’t I stay in one place?
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    What about all my stuff?